Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Multiple Streams of Income Action Plan:Part 2

White Bird Releases

As a hobby.I've got some white rock doves (aka homing pigeons) that I raise and train.On very rare occasion,I've released them at funerals.The birds are treated like pampered athletes.They fly safely home to their loft after each release.
Can I make money doing this? That has yet to be determined.Up to this point I haven't made enough money from the releases to cover the cost of bird feed.I believe this lack of income is the result of my poor marketing of the bird release service.
Since I haven't marketed my white bird release service very well, I will have to put some effort into this to see if  money can be made by doing this.
I will be surprised if this amounts to much.However,it may help get me closer to my goal of $4000 a month.